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Neem - Aloe Vera Handmade Bathing Bar

Neem - Aloe Vera Handmade Soap M.R.P. - 120 | 100gm

₹120.00 Regular Price
₹90.00Sale Price
  • Neem - Aloevera Handmade Bathing Bar is a good choice for people who have particularly dry or sensitive skin. According to our expert, They are good if you experience acne, eczema, & dry skin. At the same time soaps are not greasy. that may good for anyone who has oily and combination skin. Handmade Neem- Aloevera soap help in skin hydration, relieve dryness, and refresh the skin's surface. The soap contains extraordinary fragrances to start your perfect day. This Handmade bathing bar is made up of pure vegetable oil, Neem - Aloevera, and other natural ingredients. This soap has antimicrobial properties, antiageing properties, and lower pH compared to other soaps. Neem - Aloevera contains powerful plant compounds and antioxidants.

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